Alice (艾丽斯)
I believe that language skill should be a useful tool which helps you complete your dreams, and achieve your goals. Just give yourself a chance, HiABC and I will be the one who build up your confidence and assist you to make your first move toward your dreams.
Aimee (艾米)
I've been to many countries, some for business trip and some for vacation. I know how it would take for a Chinese trying to fit in an unfamiliar environment and to speak English at the same time.If you’d like to improve your English intonation, pronunciation or like to know more about exotic culture, I’ll be thrilled to share my experiences with you at HiABC.
I like to come up with diverse activities to motivate students to engage my session and to express themselves. Come and join me at Hi Tutor, where you don’t have to worry about making mistakes. Let’s explore this amazing world in English together!
Hey everyone, my name is Andy! I was a student who studied in Canada for 10 years, and now I have been teaching English for more than 2 years. Language is not a subject but a skill! I am going to let you experience a brand new way of English learning style. I will let you understand the language rules easily in order to manage English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. I will customize an English learning environment that is just for you so you don’t have to waste any more time on learning with wrong methods.
Hello, I am Annlin from Taipei , graduated from business administration department in NCCU, during my college life. Till now, I have already taught for 5 years, my students range from elementary one to senior high school one, teaching topic from school lesson , phonics, daily conversation, GEPT to TOEIC.
Hi, I am Athena. I have been teaching English for about 10 years. In my opinion, learning English is not only learning English but also developing your inner abilities like memories, imagination, creativity, logical thinking, and sensibility of our life.
嗨!大家好,我是Athena,我从事英语教学至今大约有十年了。 在我看来,「学英语」不单单只是「学语言」,更重要的是发展你个人内在的能力,像是记忆力、想象力、创意、逻辑思维以及我们对生活的感受力。
Hi, My name is Amy and I’ve been teaching English for over three years, including personal tutor and cram school assistant. As a language learner before, I knew the difficulties of studying and I believe the best way of learning English is to motivate the interest and then try to practice repeatedly. I willgive my classes in a relaxing way through useful daily conversation and encourage you to speak from simple but clear English.
English is a great tool to explore the world, so join me and let’s start an adventure in the wonderland of English!
嗨!我是Amy。 我很喜爱英文和各种语言,也投入英语教学三年的时间。 同时在学习其他语言的我,深知学习的困难以及解决之道。 学习语言要先激发兴趣和动机并多把握练习的机会,不要害怕开口,更不要害怕犯错。 在课程中,我会将课程融入轻松的日常生活对话,并且给予许多开口讲英文的时间,希望可以从最简单清楚的英文开始慢慢进步。 英文是通向世界的桥梁,赶快加入我并让我们一起展开英文的奇幻之旅吧!
Hi! I'm Andrea. I was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada. I graduated from University of Ottawa majoring in Communications. I came to Taiwan two years ago and have been teaching English since then. I have a great passion for teaching. I hope to motivate my students to strive for their best and at the same time maintain a great interest for learning English. I like to keep my classes fun and efficient! So I hope to see you in my class!
大家好,我是Andrea Lin,从小在加拿大长大,毕业于渥太华大学人际沟通学系,到台湾当外语老师已经两年了。由于对教学充满热情,因此帮助学生在学英语时有所收获并让他们保持最大的学习动力是我的目标,我将会以有趣和有效率的方式授课,欢迎大家来上我的课!
Hi, I’m Allen. I’m an innovative English teacher with 15 years of experience teaching all levels and all types of English learners — from elementary level to high-intermediate level, from businessmen to school students, from for the purpose of business to for the purpose of passing the test. I am sure that I can help you achieve your goal.
Hi, there. I'm Adeline. I recently work as a subtitle translator/ proofreader for Netflix. I was worked as a special assistant to CEO in a biotech company which gave me lots of chances in translation and interpretation.
Alex W.
Hello everyone! My name is Alex and I was born and raised in the United States. I attended Stanford University and majored in Computer Science. I have been a private tutor for over six years now, teaching subjects such as English, Chemistry, and Math to over twelve students in one-on-one sessions.
Hello everyone. I am Anton. I have been teaching in English for more than 2 and half years. I am a patient and outgoing teacher. Also, I am good at interacting with students with active support, encouraging them to speak English in confidence. I graduated from Feng Chia University with a degree in computer science and not I am pursuing my Master's degree in Electrical Engineering at University of Houston. Besides teaching, I love traveling and swimming. There is no shortcuts for learning English, but I will use easy and fun ways to help students learning English. Please come and have my class today! I am looking forward to seeing you.
Hello, guys! I’m Alfred and I’ve been teaching English for 1 year and 4 month. A while back, I got my master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Americas in Tamkang University, where I had plenty of opportunities to hone my English in academic settings. To be more specific, during my study in Tamkang, not only did I finish a thesis entirely written in English, but I also commissioned quite a few translation of research proposals. In my leisure time, I enjoy reading non-fictional books written in English and delving into the beautiful world of English language.
Annie Shi
Hi there! My name is Annie. I have a master degree in TESOL and have experience in teaching adult students for 10 years already. In my teaching experience, I really enjoy sharing my language learning strategies with students and encourage them to give it a try. I am thrilled whenever I see my students gaining more and more confidence after doing the practices in class. And nothing can make me feel more proud as a teacher to see my students' improvement and be fearless in expressing their ideas in English!
I am looking forward meeting with more students, and I hope one of them is you!
哈囉! 大家好! 我是Aaron.
别害怕,在课程里会一步一步带你跨出学习的第一步! 而在我们的课程当中,我们会讨论不同的话题, 从音乐、艺术、设计、文化、科技、自然。
Hello friends!
I'm Aaron, I'm graduate from National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST), Department of English.
In my tutor class I'm going to offer you a brand new experience in English learning! You'll approach different topic such as lifestyle, art, music, design, technology, travel, adventure, and nature.
Amanda Wu
中国人民大学毕业生,高考广东省排名116名,英语和德语优秀,高考英语口语满分,托福109, 上课风趣幽默,重点突出,能激发学生的积极主动性。
My name is Amanda, I'm graduated from Renmin University of China. I hope that you can choose me as your English and German teacher, cuz I'm humorous and competent.
Annie Feng
Hi everyone! I'm Annie, I'm from Taiwan but I have been overseas since I was 12. I'm graduated from Academia International in Australia. I have been teaching children's English in a cram school for 4 years. I'm experienced in teaching phonics, grammar and reading. I think the best way to learn a language is to speak the language. But, at the same time enjoy and have fun learning it. I have lived and studied at a local school in Australia, so if you want to improve your speaking and listening skills and know how to use English in your day-to-day life, come and join my class!
Alfie Zhang
Hi, there! My name is Alfie. I have satisfaction in teaching. In my eight years of teaching children and adults, I've helped loads of students to find the learning problems and to improve the skills of English. I am an outgoing person who has sense of humor so you will feel the time flies in the classes. I am skilled helping students to practice the pronunciation, grammar, writing structure and conversion. Also care about if the students having fun and learning better or not. Can't wait for sharing my life experiences with you!
Hi! 我是Alfie。我很喜欢教学也从中得到极大的成就感,八年专职儿童及成人美语教学,擅长找出学生学习的问题点,并加以协助改善。上课的方式多半以轻鬆诙谐的方式进行,让学生在上课过程中能减轻压力。擅长帮助学生矫正发音、文法和写作的架构以及各种会话的练习。最后,我是个很在乎学生是否在课堂中得到学习乐趣和学习成效的老师喔!
Hi, I am Betty. I have been teaching for many years and know the weaknesses for a student of learning a foreign language. I can help you make the breakthrough and speak fluently with foreigners.
Hi!你们可以叫我Betty 老师,我拥有多年的教学经验,因此熟知学生学习语言的弱点在哪里。我会帮助你突破现状并和外国人流利谈话。我曾到不同的国家自助旅行,所以我了解不同的文化。
Beth (贝丝)
I believe that while textbooks are important, what’s essential to learning English is a willingness to practice and immersing yourself in the language.
Hey there! My name is Billy Chen and I lived in the US from age 14 through my college years. I love talking and getting to know new people as well as teaching. I believe in the right learning environment, the teacher can learn just as much as the student. Therefore, I can't wait for the opportunities to exchange learning with my students.
哈啰!我是Billy, 出生在台湾,但在14岁时搬到美国一直到大学毕业。我对于教学与学习都有很强烈的热诚,而且我相信,有时候学生也可以反向与老师分享不一样的经验。所以我很期待任何与学生互相认识学习的机会!
Hey there, my name is Bryan. I am from Shandong Province, China. I am a guy who is fond of teaching English and coming up with new teaching approaches. Because I was a student in someplace before , so I understand what’s the learners need, and how to teach them in a way that they enjoy and require.
Besides teaching face to face classes, I have one and half year of on-line teaching experience. In order to let students think in English and learn in a foreign way, I’ve had nearly 2,000 hours of foreign english classes and got TESOL training. I would like to help more and more students learn English well and to reach their goals.
Hi, I am from Malaysia, and I am currently living in Taipei. I have learned English for more than 18 years and taught English for almost 4 years. My previous students were from the age of 6 to adults. I have taught English grammar, composition writing, exam preparation, and English conversation before.
Hello, my name is Becky. I’ve learned English since I was ten. And I always dreamed of being a teacher. After graduating from senior high school in Taiwan, I moved to Australia to finish my tertiary education. After that, I started teaching English as my career. I’ve been teaching lessons in phonics, reading, grammar and listening. I’ve been teaching students from babies to adults. It’s quite interesting to see my students’progress and I am so enjoyable.
Hi there, I'm Bridget. I'm a multilingual from Malaysia and currently living in Taiwan, Taichung. I majored in Visual Communication Design. I have passion in learning languages especially English. I am very patient and be more than happy to teach you anything about English. Learning English by memorizing is not going to help, let English be a part of your life and it is totally fine to have an accent. Remember practice makes prefect, I would be glad speaking with you in English. Come and join me, let's have fun learning English together!
哈囉,我是Bridget. 我来自马来西亚而且会说很多语言,现在居住在台湾台中。我主修视觉传达设计。我对学习语言很有热忱,尤其是英文。我是个有耐心的人,很乐意教你英文。死背书是不能学好英文的,让英文成为你生活的一部分。不需要担心自己有奇怪的口音因为多练习你就会说出一口流利的英文。我会很乐意和你一起练习说英文,我们来一起用有趣的方式学英文吧!
Hi there! My name's Brady. I love learning languages. Except Chinese and English, I can also speak German and Cantonese. I believe that language and culture are tightly connected, and I can always know more about different customs, cultures and even the world from learning languages! I majored in Sports Medicine in my university. While in school, I have been to Canada and Hong Kong as a short-term exchange student. As a language lover and from my learning experience, I know obstacles and difficulties that people are going to face when they start a new language. But as a saying goes “All things are difficult before they are easy.” So, don't hesitate, let's start learning english!
Hey guys this is Bai. I graduated from Foreign Languages and Literature department at Tunghai University and I've been an English tutor for more than four years. I believe that after having my class, you will have a brand new different way of learning English. Learning English should be full of fun instead of cramming vocabularies and grammar patterns. In my class, I'll focus more on speaking and listening.
Hey guys!我是Bai. 毕业于东海大学外国语文学系,我已经有四年英语家教的经验罗,学生上完我的课后都会变得非常喜欢学习英语。口说,是我教学会较注重的部分,在台湾的教育体制下,学生很会考试,但是对于口说的部份却不是很擅长,但口说却是你最重要的装备,让你能够对答如流,走到世界各地都没有问题。
Aloha! I am Clarissa. Having devoted in the international education industry for 5 years, my specialty is to prepare and train college students for studying abroad and interacting with foreigners. I am here to help you succeed in your personal goal, whatever it may be, and shine forth as a dream achiever!
Hi, I am Cameron. I am currently a medical school student studying at the Peking University Health Science Centre. I had lived and studied in the U.K. for nine years before I went to China. So if you are preparing or interested in going to the U.K. to study, I sure can help you to get used to the British English.
Cynthia (辛西雅)
For me, every student is special and unique. Teaching experiences within the past three years have shed new light on my teaching beliefs in a stepwise fashion, in which I know perfectly well about how to activate students' motivation and help them use English properly and effectively in an engaging and creative manner.
Hey there! My name is Candy. For me, the breakthrough came when I realized and accepted the fact that it’s okay to make mistakes. Trial and error. After speaking broken English for years and blanking out in silence on stage numerous times, I’ve learned to just go for it no matter what the result might be.
Cheer (琪儿)
I am a professional language teacher with both UK mater and PhD degrees on linguistics and phonetics. My teaching experience includes 6 years of teaching Mandarin in London and 2 years of teaching English in Taipei.
Caleby (凯碧)
I'll cite my personal experiences and stories to show you how language works in real life. And I will tell you precisely how to check your language usage accuracy on Internet. C'mon, folks! “May the force be with you ! ” As Steve Jobs wistfully said, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
你绝不会因为语言尚未能娴熟应用被耻笑,没有提问会过于愚拙。 你将察知如何在美式文化下进退得宜,甚能开始自在的谈笑风生。 期盼以我的知识划亮你的视野,而我的引导能带你开拓学习语言的新疆界。求知若渴。别为怕犯错而踌躇,率真的来学习吧!
Since I have a Masters degree in cultural studies, I have a stronger understanding of how culture and language relate to each other. In combination with my experiences living in two countries, I can offer you classes where you can not only improve your English skills, but also learn more about the culture of the language you are learning
Hello! My name is Carrie. I regard myself as an energetic, outgoing, and friendly person. According to my experiences, learning English is not only for school or job seeking but also for broader horizons toward this global village. Don't be afraid of speaking because the main purpose for learning languages is "COMMUNICATION!" If you are not confident enough in speaking or just don't have a chance to practice, I'm here for you! English speaking is not difficult at all. All you need is to "open your mouth and say something!" Let's enjoy learning English from now on.
Something funny about learning a new language is that if you listen to it over and over again, it internalized as part of your body and no matter when you hear it you respond to it spontaneously, just like you won’t think too much before you speak your mother language.
Carol (卡萝)
My advice for all beginners is that just forget about studying English as a subject. Try loving the language itself by doing something you really enjoy such as listening to English songs, watching movies in English, reading novels in English, etc. Go ahead and pick one! And then make it a habit.
Doesn’t matter what the reason you want to improve your English is, I am here to help! I believe I have a lot to offer with my own learning experience and life stories.
Hearing students’ happy and confident voices because of their success when learning English is one of the reasons that drives me to continue teaching. Hello, I’m Cassandra. I was born and raised in Taiwan. In 2014, I went working and traveling in the United State. Have immersed myself in English by working in an American restaurant and spent months to travel in the Eastern USA. It made me realize that learning English is all about being able to communicate with people and gather information when you are abroad.
Hello everyone, I'm Celeste. I graduated from the NTNU Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation. I love languages. It's very romantic to be able to communicate with people from different backgrounds and countries using the same language. I used to be a bilingual host for international conferences and I participated in many impromptu speech contests. I also have three years of experience as an English tutor. I care about your pronunciation. It's okay to have an accent, accents are a wonderful part of life, they add to a person's cultural identity and heritage, most importantly, they make us unique. However, we will strive for excellent pronunciation so we can have effective communication with other people. I would love to help you to speak in English with great confidence and express your thoughts and feelings correctly.
我是 Celeste,毕业于国立台湾师范大学翻译研究所。我非常热爱语言,觉得能够和来自不同背景和国家的人,以同一种语言沟通非常浪漫。我过去曾担任国际研讨会的双语司仪,参加过许多即席演讲比赛,也有三年多英语家教的经验;我注重发音咬字,有口音没关系,口音说明了我们的文化背景,更代表我们是独立的个体。重要的是发音必须正确,以达到顺利与人沟通的目的。我希望能够带领学生,自在地开口说英语,用正确的语言表达自己的想法和感受。
Hi, my name is Chander! I graduated from National Taiwan University with a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures and a certificate in education. I'm also a certified English teacher by Ministry of Education. Currently I'm pursuing my Master's degree in Applied Linguistics in Columbia University in New York City. I've been teaching in different settings for two years, including college as a TA, high school classroom, language institute, and online. With a focus on interaction, my teaching tends to involve students' participation.
Clare Koo
Hello, my name is Clare. How are you? I love teaching English and have been teaching for years, if you would like to improve your English, in all aspects including listening, speaking, writing and reading, do not hesitate to come to me for assistance. I would be more than happy to help. In my class, you won't be treated as a "student", but more like a "FRIEND", we learn while we interact, you can be completely relax. However, I am a strict teacher as well, I would like to make my work worthy, which means as you are my student, you HAVE TO gain something from my class and make it become yours. Let's make our class enjoyable and workable!
Cathy Li
Hi Folks,my name is Cathy, nice to e-meet you ;-)
I graduated from National Tsing Hua University and Taipei First Girls' High school, and my TOEIC is 925 & TOEFL-iBT is 105, so I am fully capable of teaching you English, no matter you want to learn it for test (exam/TOEIC/TOFEL) or just to enhance your English level, I am the right person for you.
Cindy T
湾读大学呢? Hi! My name is Cindy and I was born and raised in Southern California. I spoke Chinese at home growing up and English everywhere else. I often get the question asking why I am in Taiwan instead of an American university but the simple truth is I love to travel and I love my culture. I am currently a senior studying Foreign Languages and Literature at Feng Chia University.
Claire Liu
Hi there,
I am Claire. I am very passionate about teaching. I have been teaching English for 8 years. My students include both teenagers and adults. I focus on finding out what you need to be successful and then adjusting my methods to meet your needs. I can make you a better English speaker! Let's get started today!
我是Claire。我对教英文很有热忱。 我已经教英文8年了。我的学生包含青少年及成人。我的教学方式会依据学生的需求而作调整,因此我有信心可以培养你/妳英文能力更进一步! 就让我们今天一起来学习吧!
Coco Chu
Hi,everyone。 I graduated from Yangzhou University. After graduation, I have been teaching English for 8 years .My plan for the future is that I would like to stay with my students and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice, making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.
大家好,我是Coco Chu。我毕业于扬州大学。我的专业是工商管理。毕业后,我从事英语教育工作已经有8年了。在我的空闲时间里,我喜欢阅读和看电影。未来我想与我的学生一起分享有趣的人生经历并提供有益的建议给我的学生,成为值得学生信任的朋友。我认为自己有资格成为一名优秀的英语教师。
Hey guys! I am Cassie and nice to meet you! As an English teacher with more than 2 years' experience, I will offer you a big feast of English learning. "Learn it and use it" is my philosophy of language teaching. I hope that every student of mine could harvest the real joy of this foreign language.
大家好!我是Cassie!很高兴认识大家,我拥有2年的教学经验,能从本质上改善你的语法以及增加英语学习的实用性!“多用多学”是我的教学宗旨。 另外,我擅长文书写作以及商务书信来往,我凭借我的文书已经拿到了香港中文大学、香港城市大学等名校的offer,另外在外企的翻译经验,相信我能在你们的写作中增色不少!
Hi, my name is Charlie. I graduated from Min-Dou University in English department. I have always wanted to work in the English tutor online teaching field because I have a passion for it and I think it has a lot of potential. That's why I focused on English teaching in college and master degree and got to understand what are the good ways to teach students English in Taiwan. In past ten years, I have taught English to students in cram schools, but I don't have any experiences to teach English online before.
嗨, 我的名字是Charlie.我毕业于明道大学英语学系。我想我已有热情准备好在课堂上担任您的在线英语真人家教!大学和研究所就读期间,我都在专攻于研究在台湾要如何用对的方式教导学生英文。过去十年来,我都在补习班做教学,未曾做过在线家教。在补习班任教期间,我成功地帮助学生们在学习英文过程中获得兴趣与快乐。
Cassandra K.
Hi, there! This is Cassandra from the Foreign English Dept. in NCHU. I was trained well from the secondary education program in the university. I've been a teacher in a cram school for 1 year. At the same time, I've also helped all my students from kids to adults to customize the best tutoring courses for them. Working in USA is also a special
Hi, 我是来自中兴外文所的Cassandra,有修习中等教育学程,受过专业的英文教学训练,有一年团班以及一对一客制化的家教经验。学生年龄从国小到成人都有,也有在美国的工作经验。我能够透过学生犯的错误,替他们找到学习问题的症结点,进而调整教学策略。英文是一个日新月异不停在改变的语言,并非冷冰冰的一个科目,生活上的各种感受、文学、电影、运动等等,都可以是学习英文的切入点,让我们一起用英文分享人生吧!
I graduated from the English Department of NTNU, and has been teaching English for about 8 years since then. With my experience working in the UK as well as other travel experiences, I can always make my class more fun and practical. Since I enjoy movies and series, I love to add colloquial phrases into my teaching material to make it closer to students' real life. Also, I enjoy sharing little tips or tools for learning English with my students so that they can practice what they learn even when the class is finished.
Carina L.
Hi, My name is Carina. I have been teaching English for 7 years by far. I enjoy teaching English. Before teaching online, I used to work as an English teacher in an Organization more than 4 years. And now I’m working for a private American school. Therefore, I have lots of teaching experiences from kids to adults. I can understand the struggle to learn English as a Taiwanese student. I have lots of different teaching methods for different students.
Do you have a dream that you will be able to speak like a native one day? This is a terrific opportunity to fulfill this dream. Do you fear to speak the language, because of embarrassing experiences? Don't be defeated by negative experiences in the past. This is Carlos, your personal trainer of English. Helping students to speak English fluently with confidence have been my biggest dream for a long time.
你是否希望说一口流利地英语,但碍于环境限制而放弃?又或是不敢开口?在21世纪网路发达年代,随时都可以自行打造全英语环境。但需要有经验、教学热忱的老师,引导你,给你实用撇步。我是Carlos 老师,在双语环境成长,曾经任教于补习班、收过几个家教学生,总教学年资超过一年,并持续累积中。大学就读健康照护相关科系,因此我们可以一起用英文讨论医疗相关主题。
My name is Dan and I live in Yorkshire, England. My first degree was in Foreign Languages and Literature from Tunghai University in Taiwan. After completing M.Ed. in Educational Technology and TESOL from the University of Manchester, I worked at a British university in a range of roles for 15 years. I am currently a Learning Technologist at the University in UK.
Daniel S.
Hi,there, I'm Daniel ,i am an English major from a normal university in mainland. Now I have been teaching English for 4 years . If you have problem in learning phonics, grammar or reading, I can help you with it . From my experience,“say it loud”is the most effctive way for beginners to learn English , it will help to build their confidence, which has great impact on their English study later. Congratulations! You already get half success if you can “say it loud”.
Emily (埃米莉)
I like to share useful skills of leaning English with students, and I could make the class more interesting for you! The ability of speaking English makes my world bigger and it helps me make friends from all over the world. I am sure it will make your world wonderful, too.
Hi there, my name is Elia. I am from Taiwan but based in Ireland now. I majored in Spanish and International trade at college. I've been teaching English full time since I graduated. I've learned a lot from HESS which I worked for 6.5 years. Not only the teaching skills but also the way to communicate with people who are from different countries with totally different cultures. I am full of enthusiasm of teaching English because I know a better understanding of secondlanguage skills can help people go further and see more.
哈啰,我的名字是Elia,目前住在爱尔兰。 大学主修西班牙语和国际贸易。 在学期间也有家教的经验,大学毕业后也就理所当然投入英文教学的工作。 在台湾最知名的公司任职,一待就是六年半的时间。 这份工作不只让我增进教学的技能,更让我学会如何和来自不同国家文化的人沟通。 对于教学我有满满的热忱,因为我知道第二外语能力的重要性—带领你走入世界,看得更广,了解更多。
Hello there! I'm teacher Evonne. From my journey of studying abroad, I firmly believe that there can be no effective output of spoken and written English without an adequate input of listening and reading. We should learn English through frequent usage.
哈啰! 我是Evonne老师,从我在国外求学的经验中,我深信若想要说一口流利的英语必须同时拥有足够的听力及阅读练习。要学好英语,我们必须要拥有规律及持恒的接触,并从练习中学习。
Howdy folks, I am Echo! I have been teaching students with a wide range of ages in the United States and Taiwan for more than 14 years.Welcome to my dynamic, interactive, and pressure-free English classes. Let’s rock it!
Hello everyone! This is Estee. I majored in Educational Psychology and minored in English Education at NTNU, and then studied in the United States for 3 years for my master’s degree. I have been involved in various educational services for more than 15 years.
Hello! I'm Elisa. I have been teaching English for more than fifteen years. Within my teaching career, I have met various types of students. I always try to figure out some creative teaching methods so that I can help students overcome the barriers to learning English.
Hi, My name is Eric, I was born in Taiwan and moved to Canada when I graduated from middle school. After university education, I moved back to Taiwan to live with my family and to teach English. My experiences include cram schools, Teacher Assistant and personal tutor. I have also acquired a TESOL license. All my students were in the age range from junior high school to adults.
Hi I’m Elvi, I am a passionate, adventurous, and friendly person. I am in love with traveling, and I’ve traveled to more than 25 countries now. I have been teaching English for almost ten years, and my students’ age ranging from 6 to 40 years old. Therefore, I’m pretty good at handling all kinds of students.
Hi, this is Erina. I am a student of graduate program of art therapy. I have been tutoring English since college and my teaching experience is about two years. I love helping people out, so I always encourage and inspire my students when I teach. I am also very patient and attentive to the students during our lesson.
Hi there, I'm Elyse. Although I may look young in my picture, I have been teaching English for four years already. And I have lots of teaching experiences from kids to adults. I have been learning English since kindergarten. I know what learning difficulties may occur in different stages. Therefore, I can understand and help them in the best ways they need.
Ells Tang
Hello, I am Chia Ling. I graduated from National Central University with a B.A degree in English in 2015. I have been tutoring students language since my sophomore year. Also, I was teaching Chinese in the U.S from 2015 to 2016.
My teaching strength is in improving students' speaking skills. I always enjoy helping students and practicing with them.
Ellie H.
Hi! My name is Ellie. I am currently a student in Wenzao University of Languages, majoring in English. However, I will become a freshman in Brigham Young University (Utah, USA) in fall 2018 semester! Planing to major in business management. I am bilingual in English & Mandarin Chinese because my dad is American and my mom is Taiwanese.
Hi, my name is Frank. I graduated from Indiana State University, majoring in TESL/TEFL. Currently, I am writing my dissertation about “online interactive platform for enhancing EFL students’ writing performance.” Owing to the modern technology, teaching and learning can be extended beyond the limitation of time and space. Abundant online media and various resources can also greatly increase students’ exposure to the target language.
I had worked in the language school of Indiana State University before I came back Taiwan. Currently, I teach English in universities and private cram schools. These working experiences enable me to offer diverse ways of teaching methods to students of different needs. Through mutual communication and
Hello, I’m Flora. I major in Chinese, and minor in English. I like music and language learning. I think that the improvement actually comes from one’s attitude toward learning, the way of learning, and endless efforts. In my class, I encourage students to speak up and feel easy when they learn.
Hi,my name is Frank from Beijing, I gratuated from Henan Normal University in 2013 with English Education major. In my school life, I passed my TEM-8 examination and gained bachelors's degree and teacher certification for high school students. I have got almost 4 years' teaching experiences after my graduation and knew somthing in the K-12 field especially on pronounciation and grammar item. I like Chinese folk arts such as Xiangsheng and Pingshu very much. So I often use what I learnt from the traditional arts in my class. In my opinion, teaching is one kind of performing, so maybe humor and exaggeration is my style.
Hello! My name is Funtomas. I know you have been struggling with speaking English and that struggle has been keeping you from pursuing your goals. That’s why I will prioritize speaking in my class. In my class, you will be the speaker because I will use my teaching experience to design nonstop exercises for you to practice speaking.
哈罗!我是Funtomas. 我知道你們一直無法開口說英語,而這一直阻饒你們的目標。在我的教學簡報中,我會設計許多練習來讓你盡情地開口說英文。我的首要目標就是要提升妳的口說能力,因為我本身是一位國外業務,而經常獨自出差的我發現英文相當的重要,因為英文能力會決定你在國際展場上能增取多少交易訂單。
Hi, my name is Gina Huang.I have good rapports with my students, so most of them still keep in touch with me after they finish their courses. They always say I am a teacher with lots of patience and enthusiastic about teaching. Learning with me is both effective and fun. I like to do some activities to motivate students while in class and I will also correct students' mistakes immediately. For me, every student is unique, therefore, I won't apply just one teaching method to all my students.
Hi,我是Gina,从小立志当英文老师的我,教美语已超过15年了。我和学生有良好的互动,大部分学生到现在还和我有连络呢! 学生都说我是很有耐心又很热情的老师,和我学英文很好玩又有效率。我会在课堂上带入活动或游戏,学生有错我也会立刻纠正。对我而言,每个学生都是独特的,所以每个学生适用的学习法当然都不同。
Gina C.
Hi, I'm Gina. Are you still so anxious about your English ability that you tossed and turned in bed all night? Well...sometimes too much stress can impede your motivation to learn. Therefore, I'll not only be your teacher but also be your counselor, adviser, and guide in class to help you learn in the least stressful learning atmosphere. Besides, I like to provide personalized instruction to meet
the individual students' needs. One of the features of my class is the interaction with the students and the use of authentic materials, so in the class I also like to share my experience of traveling around the world these years and to listen to all your stories. So, are you ready? Come join me!!
嗨!!我相信各位都还在为了学好英文而烦恼,然而过度的焦虑和压力常常是造成英文学习上的阻力喔! 因此,我致力于在课堂上以轻松的方式达到最有效的学习方法,并依照学生的程度来做课堂上的安排和补充,也会依照学生的需求来设计教材和教学方式。此外,我也很爱旅行,这几年已经跑过欧美不少国家,所以也常会将许多的各国遇到的趣事和文化带入课堂里,欢迎有兴趣的人一同加入我的英文世界里!
Hi there, I am Gordon. My idea in terms of teaching is to "Provide what/how the student wants". I believe everybody has their own pace, and variant teaching adaptability is the best method to help different people to reach their goal. Usually I spend couple of minutes to have this point cleared and then move on. Just to ensure both me and my student are in the same picture, and that can definitely provide us a seamless learning model in the future. If you would agree with my concept and also looking for a starting point of learning English, come chat with me, it will be interesting.
Grace L.
Hi!My name is Grace( Grace L.). I graduated from South China Normal University in 2015. I am currently working in a seninor high school. Having been an English teacher for so many years, I think I am experienced in teaching field. I have different teaching methods for different students. For me, taking part in students' growth is the most amazing part of being a teacher. Together, let's be better and then be the best!
大家好, 我是Grace(Grace L.)。 我2015年毕业于华南师范大学,目前就职于一所高中。多年的高中英语教学工作让我具备了较高的英语教学能力。丰富的教学经历让我懂得如何因材施教。于我而言,参与到学生的成长过程见证他们的成长是教师工作最美妙的部分。所以,让我们一起努力变得更好,成为最好的自己。
Hello everyone, I'm Holly, really glad to be here to improve your English skills. I'm good at English listening comprehension and pronunciation. Most of the students in Taiwan have an average writing and reading skills, but lack of practicing with English native speakers, so the skills of listening and speaking are not good enough, and it happen to me that I'm pretty good at those skills, and build up the confidence of speaking.
Hi, I am Han. I have been teaching English for more than 9 years. I believe that the purpose of learning English is to use it and to communicate with people from all over the world. English should be a great tool for you to gain more valuable experience while knowing others’ culture, rather than a subject only for tests. I am sure that I can help you to enhance your English by sharing my learning experience and providing you with great tips!
Hsin Wei
Hello everyone! I am teacher Hsin Wei.
I graduated from Tamkung University and have been teaching English for 6 years and 4 months.
I started to teach English since when I was an university student. After graduation, I lived abroad and began my Online English/Mandarin teacher career.
「lively teaching style,fun and rich content of lesson」is how the students described my class!
大家好!我是Hsin Wei老师,毕业于淡江大学。教学年资6年4个月。
Hi! I'm HiuYing from Hong Kong. I love travelling and languages, so I’m trying to combine them by teaching languages online while travelling around the world with my boyfriend & our 15-month-old baby. We're all avid travellers and story-tellers who are highly adaptive to different cultures & lifestyle. Being a HongKonger allows me to be fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English(the lang. that I'm using everyday to communicate with my bf)without much pain. I’m proud of this identity & I’m willing to share more to you! Learning a language is not easy.
嗨!我是在香港土生土长的晓莹。我喜欢旅游和语言,所以我希望在跟男朋友和我们的儿子在世界各地旅行的同时,在线教授语言。我们都是热衷于旅行和讲故事的人,能够适应不同的文化和生活方式。有关我们的生活,你可以追踪我们的脸书专页:Darian explores the world(以广东话记事) 和 Maxime around the world (以英文记事)。 作为一个香港人,我能够流利地使用广东话、普通话和英语(我每天都用来跟我的男朋友沟通),而且在学习过程中没有太多的辛酸。
Hi, I am Irene. As a non-native speaker of English, I can understand the difficulties students may face and effectively help my students to improve their language skills. Since my major is related to TESOL, I use teaching methods that have theoretical foundation. I have always considered learning and teaching English wonderful and interesting. Being extremely enthusiastic at teaching English, I am sure that I can help my students to improve their English skills and gain considerable interest in learning English.
Isaac (艾查克)
In addition, I leverage the use of effective technologies (Ex. Podcasting, Mobile tools, Social Networking Tools) and instructional strategies to encourage learners' learning and provide more opportunities for them to apply what they learn in real contexts.
Ida (艾妲)
Don't be afraid of making mistakes cause they can make you better. As for me, I like to create a free-pressure class, students can talk without worries. If you are still worry about chatting with foreigners or struggling with grammars,don't hesitate, join HiABC, let us make you better!
Iris Chuang
Hello, students! My name is Iris Chuang. I have seven years of teaching experiences from kids to adults. I studied in Germany as an international student when I was in college. My passion always lies in helping people learn English. In my class, I enjoy interacting with students and sharing some English learning strategies. Please don’t be afraid to speak English in my class. I encourage my students to learn from the mistakes. Practice makes perfect. Welcome to my class! I’m looking forward to seeing you.
嗨!大家好!我是Iris Chuang!从事英语教学已有七年之久,会一直投身在此领域,是希望能帮助需要的人学好英语,实现梦想,达成目标,丰富生活!我鼓励学生在课堂上勇于发言,别害怕犯错,请让我与Hi! Tutor陪您一同建立英语学习的信心吧!
Hi, My name is Island.I graduated from Anhui University of Science and Technology.My major is English.Now I am working in a private senior high school called Mao Tanchang,which is well-known all over China.So I have lots of different teaching methods for different students.I love watching English movies and making new friends,I can’t wait to meet you online and share my experiences. See you soon~
Ivy L.
I am born and raised in Taiwan and come to Australia at the age of 22. Therefore, I am familiar with the mistakes that Taiwan people often made and can give some constructive advice on that. Additionally, since I grew up in a Chinese background so I been through and understand how hard and suffering it is to learn a second language. I have developed some useful techniques to improve my English skills and am more than happy to share. In my past experience, I have successfully encouraged 3 students who can barely speak English to strike a general conversation with foreigners.
Hey there! I'm Janet. I was born and raised in Taiwan. I speak Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, English and Spanish. I have been tutoring for 2 years and have travelled to around 20 countries. Learning languages is like travelling, it's highly addictive! In my class, you and I will be focusing on pronunciation and communication in English.
Jennifer (珍妮弗)
I am continually learning English like you every day. I think that I can be a good helper for beginners. What I have is a true heart to help students use vocabulary and grammar in their daily life.
Hello there, My name is Jacob, I ‘m versed with teaching students to think in English, helping them discard Chinese logic and construct grammatically correct sentences which come in handy in their everyday lives. I’d be honored to lead students further into English learning and strengthen overall abilities.
Hi everyone, my name is Jessie! I am a Taiwanese Canadian. I had lived, studied and worked in Vancouver, Canada for 12 years. Being an ESL student myself, I realized how important it is to start your English learning journey as early as possible. And I believe making the lessons fun and enjoyable would best increase students' interest in learning. As a result, they will have better achievements.
哈啰,我是洁西老师! 我是一个拥有加拿大国籍的台湾人。我在加拿大温哥华读书、生活、工作了12年。自己身为ESL学生,我了解到提早开始接触英语是非常重要的。而且我相信让课程变得有趣,能够大大地提升学生学习的兴趣,进而帮助学生们达到更好的学习效果。
Having gone through the process of applying for American graduate schools and jobs, I can not only help you succeed in TOFEL or other English exams, but also share with you valuable tactics and resources that I have acquired along the way.There is no secret way to mastering the language but an open heart and a little bit of help from the right person.
Hey there! I'm Janet. I was born and raised in Taiwan. I speak Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, English and Spanish. I have been tutoring for 2 years and have travelled to around 20 countries. Learning languages is like travelling, it's highly addictive! In my class, you and I will be focusing on pronunciation and communication in English.
Hi there, this is where you usually expect to read some fancy words about myself, but not here. Instead, I want you to bear one question in mind: What does English, the language, mean to you? Got any answer yet? Well, one thing I have been always doing among 5- year teaching career is to help students find the ultimate answer to the question. Once you find it, all the learning will be so fascinating, breezy and motivating.
Hello, I am Teacher Jane. I have a lot of experience to teach students from kids to adults. Different from traditional teaching which focuses on grammar in textbook, I would like to teach students how to use those grammar in which situations because the reason we learn English is to use it, to talk to people and to travel.
Hey there!! I’m Jess. I’ve been teaching English for more than 5 years. I got my TESOL certificate in teaching English as a second language in Australia Sydney. I’m also a English teacher in private school right now. Is speaking English hard for you? Spending lots of time learning English but don’t know how to use it? “English” is a subject or a tool for you? I love traveling, I’ve been to two countries for working holiday, which is New Zealand and Australia. “Traveling is not only the way to explore the world but also the best way to learn a new language and culture.
My name is Jackie. Since 2009, I have been teaching English courses such as Junior and Senior High School English, GEPT, TOEIC, and Business English in a cram school. In the class, you will have plenty practices to talk in English as well as get useful feedbacks to improve your English. The contents of classes will be very adjustable according to your interest and level.
Hey there! I´m Jaliss. I was born in Taiwan but grew up in Belize, a beautiful country in the Caribbean. I also stayed in different parts of Mexico and Italy during my years as an undergraduate. In these parts of the world I got to meet many people from different cultures.
嗨!我是 Jaliss。我出生在台湾,在加勒比海美丽的英语系小国伯利兹长大。大学期间,我曾在墨西哥不同的城市以及意大利居住过,在世界的这些角落,我认识了许多不一样文化背景的人。
Hello, this is Jordan. I’ve been enthusiastic in learning English since grade 5 in elementary school. My life is full of English every day. By listening to English music, writing English blog, browsing English websites, searching English information, or talking with foreigners on the street, I keep creating an English-speaking environment for myself, so that I can fluently express myself in English.
Well, I have been teaching students from all walks of life for over 5 years, from teens to adults, and from daily oral English to English for exams. As for what I got all these years, I believe to help my students build up a good habit of how to learn outperform any other factor.
Hello, I graduated from Kaohsiung Normal University and so far have obtained TOEIC scoring 900. I have at least 2 years of teaching and tutoring experiences. I studied in University of West Florida for a year as an exchange student when I was in college.
Jesse Hsu
Hi, my name is Jesse Hsu. I graduated from Columbia University with a degree in sociology. Helping students go through the excruciating process for preparing standardized tests (TOEFL, IELTS) is one of my many passions. Also, I try to combine American popular cultures, such as TV series and movies, into my pedagogy. I look forward to learning with you and hope that we can make the journey fun and enjoyable.
嗨,我的名字是Jesse Hsu,毕业于哥伦比亚大学,拥有社会学学士学位。在帮助学生准备检定考试(托福、雅思)的艰难过程中燃起我教学的热情。另外,我会尝试将美国流行文化,如电视剧和电影结合到我的教学中。期待与您一起学习,希望我们能使这趟学习的旅程愉快。
Greetings! I am Jeffery, it’s my pleasure to meet you. I have been teaching in English for different ages for several years. I am a patient, outgoing, understanding teacher. I think I am good at interacting with students along with active support, encouraging students to speak in confidence. Please come and have my class today!
Janet Chen
Everyone calls me Janet more than my Chinese name Hung Ru for a famous TV hostess who advocates “Crazy Taiwan.” Many believe we have similar characters and mimic traits in dealing with people. I am currently a certified TEFL teacher and have been teaching English over than seven years domestically and overseas, from K-12 to adult education in university. I am also giving in-service Hospitality English courses at Taichung Harbor Hotel to meet the professional and linguistic needs of employees when they deal with international trvalers and business professionals. I am excited to meet and work with you!
Jason Wang
您好,我叫Jason Wang,今年29岁,来自加拿大,主修英文的我在教育的理念上,希望带给孩子一个喜欢学习的环境,我认为一个孩子在学习的阶段最重要的就是让他们爱上学习,唯有真心喜欢投入的,才能真正的学习,台湾的教育对于英文着重文法及考试,我认为会话沟通更重要,实际勇敢地讲出英文、以流畅的英文与人沟通,才是学习英文的最终目的。因此我会设计有趣的英文课程内容来诱发学生的学习兴趣,也会努力让他们发挥潜力。
I've been an English teacher for almost 12 years. Brighton Uni is the place where i get MA degree on English language teaching. i also get CELTA certificate from Cambridge institution, during which i can't resist the temptation to say it is an arduous, but colorful time and tide. Now i am in Lincoln Uni to do further learning-PhD. in terms of educational development. Meanwhile keeping the more arduous, but more meaningful pace to get DELTA at the same place as CELTA's.
我做英语教师已经12年了,布莱顿大学是我得到研究生学历的地方, 我的专业是英语教学, 同时我也拿到了celta在剑桥大学, 一种作为合格老师的资质。那段岁月是艰苦的但也是丰富多彩的。现在呢我在英国林肯大学读博士关于教育发展方向的, 同时我又一开始了艰苦而又有意义岁月-努力去获得delta, 同样在剑桥。我一直在追求的最大原因是希望我的课很时尚,与时俱进并且效果很好。
Jessica Lee
Hi, I'm Jessica. I majored in Foreign Languages & Literature in Tamkang University and have been engaging in trading business for more than 2 decades since I was graduated. Not only have I had lots of experience in dealing with foreign customers in English through my work and participating international fairs, but I have also enjoyed teaching phonics, reading, grammar for junior high school students as well as teaching practical business writing and conversation at some companies.
The methods besides textbooks that I prefer to use are specific materials that students are interested in - English songs, sports, news or TV shows in order to help students practice and enjoy what they have learned on daily basis.
Hi, 我是Jessica, 我在淡江大学主修英美语文学系。毕业后,参与国际贸易事务已超过20年。我不仅透过每日工作及参加国际性商业展览,获得许多与外国顾客打交道的经验,也很喜欢教国中生发音,文法,全民英检并且在几家公司中教导实用商业书信及会话。
Hi guys!! Im JZ. I have over 15 years of studying oversea experience, and currently working on my Bachelor's degree as a student of international business at Tamang University in Taiwan. I also have nine months of tutoring Chinese and English experience while studying oversea. My interest is making new friends and meeting new people. Because by having a conversation with them, I can also learn different new things and improve myself at the same time. Same things apply in class, I believe that by using easy and relaxing conversational style of teaching would help students to cut off a lot of pressures while learning the new language. English standard test like SAT, TOEFL, TOIEC, and IELTS are important all around the world.
大家好!! 我是JZ. 我有15年以上的海外留学经验. 现在就读淡江大学国际企业学系.担任过九个月的中 英家教. 我的兴趣是结交新的朋友. 认识新的朋友可以让我从他们每个人身上学到不一样的东西. 透过平常的聊天 谈话, 可以得到新的知识和不同的想法. 以朋友聊天的方式来代替死板的教学模式让你们能轻松无压力的学习新的语言.如大家所知道的 想学好一门新的语言就必须生活在没有母语的环境下, 所以就让我已具有挑战性的全英课程来教会你们发音及口说. 同时海外注重的 SAT, TOEFL, TOIEC,和 IELT 的考试 我也考过. 对有需要考这些考试的学生, 可以随时让你们指教喔!
Jimmy L.
Hello ! My name is Jimmy Lee (Jimmy L.).
I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona, (my major is Computer information system)
I have Five Years of Teaching experience as ESL teacher.(Tesol Certified)
I have taught English to students of all ages, from six years old to professional adults. I am knowledgeable and experienced in English covering all levels of grammar, reading comprehension, pronunciation, and phonetics.
你好 ! 我叫Jimmy Lee (Jimmy L.)。
Jkatherine Mok
I graduated at Brigham Young University-Hawaii. I have student teaching experience on the kindergarten and elementary level, in both suburban and urban school districts. I believe my teaching experience and passion for community engagement make me an idea candidate for a teaching position at your school.
在美国 Brigham Young University Hawaii 大学毕业,有教小学和幼稚园的教学经验.
Jocelyn L.
Hi everyone, this is Jocelyn, I have been graduated from Monash University, my major is Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance). I like reading and travelling in my spare time. I have experience in IELTS listening and speaking teaching. My teaching belief is: Listen every student's words patiently and treat them as my friend.
Jay S.
Greetings Students! My name is Jay and I am from Middletown Pennsylvania in the United States. I am Native American and Taiwanese so I can speak and understand Mandarin Chinese. The reason I know how to speak and understand Mandarin is because I was raised up in Taiwan when I was a baby until I was 5 years old. I left Taiwan to start kindergarten in the United States and I visit Taiwan very frequently.
I have 4 years of teaching not only English but being a mentor to my subordinates in the United States Marine Corps. I am still in college. I spent my time after graduating high school in the military. I served 5 years and for 5 years I have learned a lot. That is why I want to use the skill that I have learned to teach English.
Jenny Lin
Hello, everyone. I am Jenny and now a sophomore in Department of English Language and Literature in Fu Jen University. I went to TOP English Camp to be a TA and joined HESS as a volunteer to design an English camp for elementary school students. With these experiences, I have learned how to teach English in an interactive way. As I had to lead a class, or sometimes many classes at a time, I could not ignore any student who had no interest in participating in activities. Instead, I always made sure every student was enjoying themselves in the process of learning English.
哈罗, 大家!我目前就读于辅仁大学英国语文学系大二,去年我去TOP美语村担任英文营队的助教,也跟著何嘉仁当志工替国小学生设计英文营队,因为这些经验,我学会如何用互动式的方式教导英文,因为我必须带领一个班级,有时甚至一次好几个班级,我不能忽视任何一个对活动没有参与感的学生,我总是确保每个学生都能在学习英文的过程享受其中。
Hi! I am Jody. I am a student of English Department of Fu Jen University and I have experience of teaching English to adults for half a year. I enjoy reading books and listening to music at my leisure time. Books and music are excellent materials for learning English because they contain useful idioms and it is easy for learners to apply them in life. My expert filed is pronunciation and my teaching philosophy is to assist students to conquer the difficulties they had when learning English with my patience, professional skill, and passion of teaching.
Jade L.
大家好我是Jade L.,作为一名已经教了十年少儿英语的老师,很高兴能与每一个热爱英文学习的朋友们尝试这种新型的网络教学模式。我熟悉少儿自然拼读和分级阅读的教程。我持有中文教育的学士学位和在美国进修的国际少儿英语教师资格证书。 凭借我熟练和国际化的教学经验,我坚信能引领你体验一次奇妙的英语学习之旅。
Hello everyone, my name is Jade L. As a skilled and enthusiastic ESL teacher with 10 years of experience, it is my pleasure to have a online lesson with every passionate learner. I am familiar with the curriculums of phonics and level reading. My qualifications include a professional TESOL certificate in American Institute and a diploma in Chinese education. With my skills, international experience, I believe I would help you have a amazing language learning journey.
Hi, I am Jazz, majoring in English, from Guangdong Financial Huashang University. With over 1 year experience in online teaching, I could provide the accurate and acceptable teaching pattern for you according to your personal situation. What’s more, I like to read American literature and speak with American accent which could lead you engage into the American learning atmosphere and guide you to speak more and to be the master of the class.
I like traveling by exchanging my talents and labor for food and accommodations, for it’s the best way to experience the authentic living of the locals. I taught orphan girls how to play the piano and the recorder in a Romanian nunnery, went to Nepal and Albania to teach kids English and art, and I also won two artist residency projects in Ireland and Iceland.
As a professional wanderer and an experienced teacher, I am able to help students figure out what their problems are and make plans to fix them.
Hi, my name is Ken. I am a Taiwanese who immigrated to Philippines for 10 years and came back to Taiwan. I am a very outgoing and detail oriented person. I started teaching when I was in college and fell in love with it immediately. I enjoy helping my students excel in their studies as well as inspire them and help them grow.
哈啰,我是Ken 老师。小时候移民到菲律宾,中学时回来台湾。我是个很外向却又非常注重细节的人。我在我大学的第一年开始接触教学,当时我立刻爱上教书。我很喜欢看到学生一点一滴的在进步,也很开心能够激励他们成为更好的学生。
Hi everyone, my name is Kelsey! I am here to help you speak better English. I believe that learning a language should be fun. Lots of English learners are being nervous to make mistakes or embarrassed if they don't speak perfectly. But remember: When using a language, communication is much more important than perfection! I will help you to use English in your daily life as much as possible.
Katie (凯蒂)
Having worked in international business field for a couple of years, I know how to teach students to better communicate with others in English. Though China is not an English-speaking country, you can still speak like native! I’m very patient and easy to get along with.
Kaili (凯黎)
I have been teaching English for more than seven years. I have English teaching style as same as professional foreign teacher. I believe that my teaching style will give you a special impression and fun. If you want to improve your English, please come to my class and enjoy learning English now!
我拥有来自国外的教学实力与教学风格,以及优秀的英语能力,藉由创意引导的方式,让你更享受学英语的乐趣。 我相信,在活泼生动的教学方式下,你一定能够增进你的英语实力,并且能感受到英语有趣的地方喔!快来跟我一起上课吧~
Kelly (凯莉)
I have 5 years of teaching experience. I enjoy teaching and willing to provide many English learning tips to assist students.
If you want to have fun and practical learning experience. Here I am!
Good day and welcome to join me in the path of English learning. I’m Kevin, a
Taiwanese grown and raised in Thailand. I taught English to learners from K3 to high school back in college for a few years. After graduating, I started working abroad. For all the years I spent abroad, I have cumulated some useful insights in interracial communications in English. I’m looking forward to sharing these insights with you!
大家好,欢迎你们加入我的英语学习之路!我是Kevin,一个在泰国长大的台湾人。 我在大学时从事过几年英语教学,学生从幼稚园到高中都有。毕业后我开始了海外工作生涯,经过这几年在职场上的磨练,累积了许多和不同族群以英语互动沟通的 经验,希望能有机会和你们分享,一起学习!
I have been teaching for over 13 years and I have learned a lot through my teaching and from my students also. I was born and raised in Taiwan just like you. I believe that you are able to achieve what I did as well. I will help you overcome your shyness of speaking English, learn from your mistakes in English, and guide you with patience. So come and join me to conquer English and to be an expert of English.
Hey! I'm Kaylin from Mexico. I’m a Taiwanese Belizean. Nine years ago, I migrated to Belize with my family. Belize is a country in Central America and the only country in Central America with its official language as English. After graduating, I came to Mexico to pursue my degree and my third language, Spanish. To me, the essential factor in learning a language is to be in a pressure free and fun environment. Also, say goodbye to memorizing vocabularies!
Oh! By the way, just forget that I will be your teacher. I will be your new friend from Mexico.
Hello everyone, this is Kay! I have been teaching English for more than two years as a part-time and a full-time teacher. I have taught kindergarten children as well as adults. No matter who they are, I am always keen on teaching them and improving my every class.
Hi I am Kaitlyn. I graduated from National ChengChi University(国立政治大学) and my major was English Literature. I had teaching experience as a private tutor and a classroom English teacher, with students from elementary school children to adults. If you are looking for someone who can help you improve English effectively without too much pressure, let’s work together. You will realize you can learn faster than you thought.
Hey there! I’m Kyle. I’ve been helping people with English learning for more than 5 years. Besides for teaching English, I’m a world explorer (or backpacker, if you think explorer is too pretentious) and I write blog to share my perspective of this world.
Hi I'm Kimi. I studied in Japan Nara Woman's University. I was majored in psychology. After working a few years I moved to Panama to teach English in an orphanage.
I had taught Japanese students English and Chinese. Taiwanese students English and Japanese then kids in Panama English, from age 3-60. total 4.2 years.
I'm very open minded and well traveled. I've been living aboard for 6 years and traveled to many countries. I'd like to teach not just the textbooks but also practice so you can really talk to foreigners.
Kay Chen
Hi, This is Kay, I’m Taiwanese but I live in Prague now. I graduated from National TsingHua University, department of Medical Engineer and Environmental Science, and I speak Chinese, Englsih , French, a little bit of German and a little bit of Czech.
But actually when I was little, I was always bothered by memorizing volcabulary, just the same as everyone, I was always too shy to speak English. But since University, I realized that a language can be “analyzed” and it is logical to be understood.
大家好, 我是Kay, 我是台湾人, 现在住在布拉格, 国立清华大学生医工程与环境科学研究所毕业. 我会说中英法语, 还有一些德语跟捷克语.
但其实小时候我常因记不住单字和害怕开口说而苦恼. 直到大学发现 语言是可以”分析”及”理解”的而打开单字记忆大门. 大学时开始接触德语及法语, 进而对语言比较分析充满好奇而研究各语言的逻辑,更对语言认知学习有高度兴趣, 进而发展出一套能加速语言学习的方式, 语文突飞猛进. 之后常任外籍教授课堂翻译, 并常在世界各国发表学术研究成果.
Katherine Z.
Hello, I'm Katherine Z. from Nanjing. I graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology and majored in English. After many years of professional training on Listening, speaking, writing and translation, I got the advanced interpretation Certification. Just as the saying goes' nothing is impossible with a willing heart. I also believe every student can conquer the difficulties in English Study with right guidance. It is my sincere hope that I can help you not only with English Study but also bring you the best way of learning it.
Good day and welcome to join me in the path of English learning. I’m Kevin, a
Taiwanese grown and raised in Thailand. I taught English to learners from K3 to high school back in college for a few years. After graduating, I started working abroad. For all the years I spent abroad, I have cumulated some useful insights in interracial communications in English. I’m looking forward to sharing these insights with you!
大家好,欢迎你们加入我的英语学习之路!我是Kevin,一个在泰国长大的台湾人。 我在大学时从事过几年英语教学,学生从幼稚园到高中都有。毕业后我开始了海外工作生涯,经过这几年在职场上的磨练,累积了许多和不同族群以英语互动沟通的 经验,希望能有机会和你们分享,一起学习!
Hello, this is Ling. I studied and worked in the USA for almost 20 years. Since 2014, I started private English tutoring in Taiwan. During my stay in the USA, I learned that there are many language culture differences between Mandarin and English. As long as you know the differences, your mentality changes when speaking English. Moreover, after you learn how English speakers think, you too can speak like a native English speaker.
I'd like my students to learn English in interesting ways. I recommend watching movies and TV shows and then share feedback with me. I wish you love to speak English in my class!
HI, everyone, my name is Louisa. I have great enthusiasm for teaching English. I have one year experience of tutoring junior and senior high school students in cram school. In addition, I have cooperated with foreigners teaching English in camp for more than three years. From those experiences, I know how to teach and bond with students. I am a teacher who adapt educational material according to students' weaknesses. Instead of asking students to memorize everything, I would like to help my students to understand how to use English as a communication tool. Learning English is not difficult, let’s have fun together!
哈啰,大家好! 我是Louisa,我是个对教学有高度热忱的人。在补习班有教导国中和高中生一年的经验,也曾和外籍老师一起带过超过三年的全英语营队,这些经验,让我知道要如何教导学生、与学生互动。我的上课方式会针对每个学生的需求,使用不同教学方法和教材。我认为与其要求学生硬背下来,不如让他们可以活用,将英语当成沟通工具。来吧!学英语一点也不难,让我们一起轻松的学英语吧!
Hello, everyone! This is Lillian, I’m so glad to introduce myself and be with you online. I have been teaching children in an English training school for almost two years. My students have a good relationship with me, who is a patient and understanding teacher. And I am good at giving guidance to encourage the children to speak English and making the English learning for fun. So, come and join us, let’s learn English and have fun together.
Hello, I am Luna. I have been teaching English for some time. While teaching, I always ask my students and myself a question. Why do we want to improve our English? English for me is not only a tool for traveling and communication but also a very important one to know more about the world and absorb the latest information in all fields.
Hi, I'm Lexi. I graduated from the University of Auckland with the degree of Bachelor of Art double major in psychology and education, then I obtained a degree in Graduate Diploma in Primary Teaching. I then taught in New Zealand primary school for 4 years, and at international schools in both Shanghai, China and Casablanca, Morocco for 5 years. I have fun in class, I believe that every student can reach their potential in different way. Therefore, it is my job to discover how you learn the best and we start from there.
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages/ Spanish and English/ one year
you will learn basic English in the class, i will put some international news as well
hello, my name is Lido, i had been to Australia for 1 year to have working holiday, i enjoyed cultural exchange in that year, Oz English is truly a cultural impact for me, if you are a basic English learner or you would you like to practice your English before Working Holiday, welcome to my class!
Lily W.
哈罗!我是Lily:) 目前在2018联合国公布最幸福的国家-北欧芬兰念书(英语授课的商业资讯科技IT领域)。之前在德国当交换生念教育学一年,也在台北教育大学NTUE念过教育学系一年。我从事英语教学的工作已经有一年半的经验,非常喜欢教学生听说读写各方面的英文能力。我的上课气氛很轻松愉快,内容也都以实用为主,希望带给学生最大的帮助,除了上课教材,也会提供许多补通资料,让学生开心学习,越来越喜欢英文。
Hi everyone! I'm Lily and I'm a university student in Europe (Finland). I studied one year in NTUE and my major was pedagogy (primary education) then I went to Hamburg in Germany for one year as an exchange student. Now I'm studying Business Information Technology in English program in Finland Helsinki. I've been teaching English for one and a half years and this is one of the passion in my life. I think being able to communicate with others is more important than just learning a language.
Hello, there! This is Mia, your English tutor online. I love traveling and meeting people from all the different countries and cultures, they have always been the greatest inspiration to my life. I have been to more than 20 counties and still I am planning for the next trip. I hope to meet you at our class pretty soon so that I can share with you all my interesting experiences while helping you to improve your English. Take care and talk to you soon!
Hello, there! This is Mia, your English tutor online. I love traveling and meeting people from all the different countries and cultures, they have always been the greatest inspiration to my life. I have been to more than 20 counties and still I am planning for the next trip. I hope to meet you at our class pretty soon so that I can share with you all my interesting experiences while helping you to improve your English. Take care and talk to you soon!
Mandy (蔓蒂)
I am a qualified and professional General & Business English teacher with 12 years of teaching experience, if you are looking for a teacher who’s able to teach you how to write proper business e-mails, how to give a proper presentation in English. Here I am to assist you.
Hey everyone, my name is Marcia! I believe English is a tool that should be used to meet your needs; in this case, my English class will not focus too much on memorizing everything but on the practical usage of the language. Feel free to join my class, together we can master English and have some fun!
Hi, my name is Melissa. I am an English teacher and I have been teaching English for over six years. I’ve always aimed for lessons to be fun and enjoyable. In the class, you will have plenty of opportunities to talk and practice English as well as getting feedbacks to improve your English.
Hi ya’ll! Welcome aboard!
My name is Mina. I will be your guide/ assistant/ crew and (if you let me) friend, throughout your English adventure. Growing up in two countries, US and Taiwan, gave me first-hand experience on the different teaching styles, the struggles encountered and how to overcome them.
Hi, I am Mimi. I am always interested in new things and meeting new friends. I believe learning happen naturally when you are the center of learning process. I am sure that I can help you to improve your English by sharing some of learning strategies I learn from my graduate education.
Hi! My name is Maggie, and I just graduated from National Taiwan University. I studied my Master's in Foreign Languages and Literatures. I have been teaching since I was in college, where I also studied English. Since then, I've been teaching for 5 years. I have taught a wide range of subjects related to English, including preparing for college entrance exam, phonics for young children, introduction to English literature and langugage ability tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. I'm confident that I can get along with students of any age, and I like to adjust the content of my class according to students' needs.
Mia T.
Hello, everyone. My name is Mia. I’m very happy here to teach English to you. I graduated from STUST Graduate Institute of Applied Language. I’ve been teaching English for more than 16 years, from the elementary school students to adults. Most of the students that I taught effectively got better at listening and English speaking. I have a TOEIC gold certificate, a high-intermediate GEPT certificate, and an international TESOL certificate.
Hello, my name is Ming. I graduated from Staffordshire University in UK, and majored in Marketing Management. Next year, I'm going to keep studying my MBA is Spain, in other words, I'm also still a student. I know I'm quite young, yet this is the third year in my teaching career.
English is what I USED TO learn and also what I AM USED TO learn, so for me, how do we learn English? Why should we learn English? Actually, we USE TO learn English and we learn English TO USE, right!? English is a language that is easy to pick up, however, it's a little bit tricky sometimes just like the example above.
哈囉,我叫Ming,毕业于英国史丹佛郡立大学,主修营销管理,正要继续攻读西班牙MBA,没错~ 我也还是个学生,非常年轻,不过我已经教3年书了喔!
英文是一个我曾经在学,也是我习惯学习的语言;所以对我来说,我们要如何学英文呢 ? 为甚么我们要学英文呢 ? 其实,「用」是学英文最好的方法,也因为要「用」所以我们才要学英文,是吧 !?
Mina Li
I’m graduated from the department of foreign language in National Chaiyi University. I have been teaching English in cram schools or as a tutor for more than 7 years. What makes me so passionate and persistent in teaching is that I enjoy sharing my passion and skill with my students, who are my friends and teachers as well.
In leisure time, my hobbies are watching Hollywood movies and listening to American pop music. I often applied those experiences to my teaching.
Hey there! My name is Nicole. I experienced teaching children and tutoring junior high and senior high students English. I really enjoyed teaching English and sharing my own learning experiences with my students. Moreover, I could always learn something from the students, too. "While we teach, we learn," said the Roman philosopher Seneca. Let's learn from each other and grow together.
My name is Nancy. I took my master degree in Teaching English as a Second Language in the United Sates. I’ve been teaching English for over nine years so far. I used to work in an international trading company. After working in business filed for one and a half years, I decided to continue my teaching career. I enjoy having all the feedback from my students and seeing their progress. For me, learning English is not only learning a foreign language but also experiencing a different culture. I do believe that we can learn English well in Taiwan by using various tools and even having conversation partners online. I am sure that I can teach you better in fun ways. So, let’s join this wonderful journey with me!
Hi, guys! This is Nadia and I am living in Germany. I really want that everyone can enjoy learning English and be free to speak. Because English as an international language that can open another door to the wonderful world. In my point of view, if you want to speak perfect English, practice and communication are the best way to achieve it.
Hello, my name is Nora. I graduated from the University of Sheffield in UK. As the world’s economy depends more and more heavily on the English market, learning English has always been a global trend. English is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world for its complicated composition and grammar, making it more important for non-native English speakers to find an appropriate teacher. Bearing the mission of promoting English language and culture, I have chosen English education as my lifetime career and been systematically accumulating research and professional experience in this field. I am an enthusiastic multilingual with excellent communication skills.
Hello everyone. My name is Natasha. My major is English in the university. I had experience tutoring students in English cram school. And I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience about learning English with my students. After I graduated from university, I had been working for an international airline for years. Travelling is one of my passion. I love to discover different cultures and people. In this way, language is a very important tool to achieve that. I hope that my students can immerse in the English speaking world and enjoy it!
Hi my name is Nico and I graduated in Master of TESOL in University of Wollongong in Australia in 2006, and then I had been teaching English for 6 years in conversation, Business English, ESL, GEPT, TOEIC from kindergarten to adult. In 2012, I came back to Australia and mainly work in hospitality and Sales and Marketing. Currently, I just finished studying of certificate of Early Childhood Education in Australia because I love teaching.
Although I graduated with a degree in Finance and Information from KAUS, I quickly discovered a love and aptitude for English learning and teaching. Since graduation in 2012, I worked primarily in English speaking environments. My over five years of English tutoring and instruction experience has included students and clients of all ages, from elementary children to adult learners.
Oriana Chang
Hi, my name is Oriana. I am an English teacher from Canada. I graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, then immigrated to Canada in 1995. I love teaching, travelling, and meeting people. I have been teaching English and Chinese over 20 years and have had hundreds students around the world. I know how to improve your English. Besides, I know both of Asian and Western cultures well. I can share with you about my living, working, travelling experience.
您好, 我是 Oriana 老师。 本人毕业于辅仁大学, 并在1995年移民加拿大。
本人从进入大学时就开始家教英文,也在一些语文补习班教英文,也外派到公司行号去教他们员工英文。 本人个性活泼,教学生动,所以得到很多学生的好评。
在1995年即移民加拿大至今,长期住在国外, 也一直都在讲英文的主流社会工作,反而本人是属于少数民族,就成为他们不可或缺的工作伙伴 - 常常代表公司与客户洽商并翻译中,英文。
Oriana Chang
Hi, my name is Oriana. I am an English teacher from Canada. I graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, then immigrated to Canada in 1995. I love teaching, travelling, and meeting people. I have been teaching English and Chinese over 20 years and have had hundreds students around the world. I know how to improve your English. Besides, I know both of Asian and Western cultures well. I can share with you about my living, working, travelling experience.
您好, 我是 Oriana 老师。 本人毕业于辅仁大学, 并在1995年移民加拿大。
本人从进入大学时就开始家教英文,也在一些语文补习班教英文,也外派到公司行号去教他们员工英文。 本人个性活泼,教学生动,所以得到很多学生的好评。
在1995年即移民加拿大至今,长期住在国外, 也一直都在讲英文的主流社会工作,反而本人是属于少数民族,就成为他们不可或缺的工作伙伴 - 常常代表公司与客户洽商并翻译中,英文。
We can conquer them as long as we omit our fear! They are tools and we can be better than that.Making mistakes can be so much fun! I am gonna present you how splendid you are! Ellen holding Ellen show didn’t go to any colleges. Steve Jobs either.There are so many well-known celebrities like them around the world influence a lot people. They rock the world! So can you!Are my heroes ready?
Hi, this is Payling. Worked in a place more than 95% Caucasion has trained myself talk, think, even dream like an American. My work requires me to keep up the ability. Therefore, improving English has become my daily routine. I wish you and I can gear up together. I believe learning a language is not difficult, if you put in the right efforts. So, dwell in the English environment and let yourself listen, talk, and write as if you're a native speaker.
嗨!我是Payling 老师。曾经在95%以上白人地区工作,练就自己说话,思考,甚至做梦都像个美国人。 我的工作需要维持此能力。 因此,加强英文已经是我每天的作业。 希望妳/你和我一起努力。 我相信学习一种语言并不困难,只要用对方法。 所以,埋入英语环境,让妳/你可以如同英语母语者一样的听、说、写。
Hi, I am Pei. I am an energetic, resourceful and results-oriented ESL teacher dedicated to language education and to developing and implementing creative and hands-on curriculum according to students' proficiency.
Good day, everyone! My name is Patty. I am glad to be here to polish your English skills. When I was 16 years old, I went on an amazing adventure in Queenstown, New Zealand unaccompanied. Since then, I realized that I have great passion in English. I have almost two years of teaching experience, and I am confident to help students of all ages.
Hi, this is Rose. I have lived in the State more than 16 years. I have a lot of stories to share from my high school to graduate school. My private tutoring is mainly focused on students' needs (which includes the TOEIC, conversation, and presentation skill). I have confidence to help my students improving their needs.
Hi,我是Rose。 16年前旅居美国,从高中到硕士的求学过程(以及多年的工作经验)足以让我分享许多丰富的故事。我的教学目标是因人而异,从学生准备TOEIC、日常/工作上的会话,甚至是上台报告的技巧。我希望, 在和学生的合作、努力下,能让学生的英文程度提升,不害怕英语。
Hello. I am Teacher Rei. Learning English is fun.
I have taught children in Montessori School, where I learnt that patience is vital. Interaction is essential because it means trust.
大家好,我是Teacher Rei。
Hi, I am Richard, studying Doctor of Pharmacy Program in United States now. I understand all the difficulties and challenges to students. Thus, I will guide them step by step to let them be interested in English and be confident to speak to people. As long as you want to learn, you will learn a lot from me. Come join me and have a great time together!
Hello! Are you confused by grammar?Puzzled by the sentence structure? Stumped by pronunciation and limited vocabularies? Well, you're not alone. My name is Reina and I graduated from University of Kent with a master's degree in British Literature. I am fortunate enough to work for a significant publishing house located in Taipei at the moment. Teaching has been one of my favorite things to do during my free time and I love helping people improve their language skill!
Hi! My name is Ronnie. I major in Foreign Languages and Literature at Tunghai University. English is one of my favorite languages, I've been learning it for 9 years. The best part of learning English is that I can read various literature without relying on translation. I can also watch all kinds of movies and series in English without subtitle. Learning English allows me to truly enjoy the beauty of language and words. I like everything about English.
Hi everyone! I’m Rae. I studied Economics in Taiwan and Marketing in the UK. I have experience on full-English business course teaching in the university, IELTS speaking tutoring and primary level English teaching. Plus, due to the background with studying in the UK, being a tour guide and consultant in travel agency and traveling around for many years, English always plays an important role in my daily life.
Hey there! I am currently a freshman majoring in environmental science at the University of Sydney. I have been an English tutor for about a year, and I have had much experience in teaching IELTS and GSAT. I love practicing conversational English with my students by encouraging them to share their thoughts with me in English.
I started to teach English as a tutor when I was in school around six years ago. My students were aged from 6 to 15 (kids and teens). And I also helped my friends, who are adults, to learn English with a way that suits them the best.
Hi, my name is Rachel. I’ve been teaching English for 6 years. And I used to teach in public junior high schools in Taiwan. I love teaching English as well as learning English. This passion gives me the chance to help others and improve myself at the same time. I myself ever stumbled on the path of learning English. I understand how it feels when going through difficulties on this journey.
Rebecca Pan
Hi, I am Teacher Rebecca. I graduated from the State University of New York with my master degree in TESOL. I had been teaching at Tunghai University from 1997-2000. Actually I started teaching English in 1985. Since then I have been an English teacher for more than thirty years teaching thousands of students, ranging from kindergartners to career adults. I am good at building up student’s English from the ABC’s to a higher level. However, I particularly prefer helping students from their beginning levels, because ‘well begun is half done’.
My name is Roger, I was majored in philosophy in Soochow university which is located in Taipei.My first job was an English teacher in a primery school,despite the fact that I had only been doing it for six months because me and my family had to move to a new place, I still want to teach, sharing my experience with others, so they could know how fun it is to learn English.
Ruth Yang
I graduated from University of Toronto with degree of BBA. I had taught graduated students in National Taiwan University for two years, cram school for 2 years, and now I am teaching 1st and 2nd year students accounting, economics, management, marketing, statistics, finance, and consumer behavior in English. I want my students enjoy learning English and let it beocme part of your life! LET'S STUDY ENGLISH!
Hello I am Rhica. I am English major and I graduated from Tamkang Univeristy. I have been teaching English since I was a sophomore student. Being an English teacher has always been my dream when I was a child.
For me, if anyone who wants to learn English well, he/she should find a "reason" and get a sense of achievement.
For most non English speakers,he/she is probably good at reading writing and taking English tests but fewer are "brave" enough to speak English. Oral speaking is the crucial part for me when teaching English.
Shannon (雪儜)
教师简介 :
I was previously in London for half a year interviewing leading designers and writing articles in English. I would love to share all that I have learnt with my students as I feel I have experience that can help students apply English in real life situations.
I really enjoy teaching English. I want to help students learn English. I’m also a firm believer in implementing technology into my classroom.
Sherry (雪莉)
I believe that my experience of learning languages makes me a better language teacher. If you find English learning hard and difficult, come join me. I’ll give you a whole different learning experience.
我过去学习语言的经验, 让我更明白要怎么样才能当个好的英语老师, 用有趣的方式让学生"无痛"学习,别让过去不好的学习经验让你徘徊于学习的门外, 相信我, 学习语言真的可以是很有趣的噢
Sandy C.
Hello everyone, My name is Sandy C. I was private tutor, kid English teacher, work n’ traveler (in US). And I’m currently a flight attendant; I’ve been flying with 3 different airlines on international route. I’ve been living abroad for a while, too. When traveling, I’ve got the best chance to see what locals really do and live like them. Thanks to all my experiences, I have the cultural sensitivity that helps me build my connection to people from everywhere. Follow me, let’s make friends with the world, too.
大家好,我是Sandy C,曾任儿童美语老师与家教,也到过美国打工旅游,担任过三家航空公司的空服员,目前仍任空姐中。我热爱旅行,喜欢体验不同的文化,与世界交流扩展了我的视野,我认为学习英语最棒的方式就是营造环境,让语言学习不受地域的限制,快来和我一起学习英语吧!
Hello, my name is Shufy, I was born in Taiwan and moved to Canada when I was 6 years old. I lived there for 19 years. After I graduated from University of Ottawa, I decided I wanted a change of scenery so I moved back to Taiwan in 2015. I have been tutoring children ever since, I find it very enjoyable and rewarding.
Hi, my name is Sheryl. I have a master’s degree in English Education from The Ohio State University and have my teaching certificate in elementary education from Taiwan.
Hi there, this is Sandra, I have been teaching English since university and had lived in Australia for Working Holiday. I like to observe and communicate with people from culturally diverse backgrounds to broaden my perspectives; likewise, I am motivated to help students to converse in English with people from all over the world.
Hi, I’m Sammy. I majored in Psychology in college and received my TESOL degree in Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. I have been an English teacher for children for 4 and half years, and taught TOEIC/ TOEFL preparation courses for two years. I was also a tutor for more than 10 years.
Hey, there! I’m Stella, how do you do? Being a language student grants me the most useful tool to know the world, and the key to other cultures. I am lucky to gain access to this tool without being spoon-feeding.
Hi! My name is Sana. I am from Taichung, Taiwan. I have learned English for over 15 years . I am good at listening to others and also share my story to them. Thus, I hope my students can share their experiences with me. I am looking forward to be your good partner in the journey of learning English!
Hi, how are you? I’m Sue, I received the bachelor’s degree in English language from Providence University. I was majored in ESL teaching program while I was in college.
I have various teaching experiences such as tutoring, volunteering services and also teaching in cram school as a full time English teacher.
专业背景: 医学领域, 口头报告练习与反馈
Area of Expertise: Medical English, Oral Presentation practice and feedback
将日常生活带入课堂中, 让课堂所学到的学生也会带进日常生活中
Bring daily lives into our classes, so that students may incorporate classes into their daily lives
Sasha Lee
Hello everyone! My name is Sasha. I have developed excellent fluency in English and outstanding oral presentation skills through living abroad and studying English literature as my major for 7 years. I have been hired in a foreign position in the past five years with my knowledge in English, enthusiasm for teaching and extroverted personality. Years of traveling and abroad has not only does it broaden my horizons, but it also brings fun, new ideas and games to my classroom, which motivate and inspire students in ESL learning.
Sabrina Sung
Hi everyone! I'm Sabrina. I am a graduate from the University of Manchester with a master degree in Marketing. With roughly 5 years of English teaching experiences, I have full confidence in leading you through the world of English. To me, learning English is not merely memorizing grammar and vocabularies, it is a lot more important that you communicate with others without limitations.
Sarah W.
Hello, my name is Sarah (Sarah W.).
I graduated from National Yunlin University of Science and Technology a couple of years ago.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in cultural heritage conservation, during which I was trained to think outside of the box and appreciate perspectives and opinions from different cultures. While at University I also worked as a simultaneous translator for some of the teachers.
Shanon Lin
大家好,我是毕业于屏教大英文系的Shanon Lin,,有3年的英語教學經驗,擅長發音,閱讀,聽力。教學的風格比較輕鬆,喜歡和學生討論,找出他希望改進的地方,讓英文變得更好進而喜歡英文。
Hey guys, this is Shanon Lin from Taiwan. I graduated from pingtung university majoring English. I had been taught English for three years. My strength in English is pronunciation ,reading ,and listening. My style in class is more casual and tends to discuss with my student. Hope to realize what my student wants to improve and then master this language.
Steven Li
嗨,我是Steven 老师。毕业于国立高雄第一科技大学应用语言学与英语教学研究所,曾在研究所就读期间,交换至美国宾州印第安纳大学。担任英语家教已有8年的时间。也曾经在研究所期间在高雄广播电台的英语教学节目担任过DJ。擅长根据学生的英语能力,调配课程进度以及著重方向。
Hi I'm Steven and I'm excited to help you achieve your English language learning goals. I have a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from NKFUST(National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology). I was fortunate enough to exchange to Indiana University of Pennsylvania during my graduate study at NKFUST. I have been an English tutor for approximately eight years now.
In three years, I have taught elementary school students, junior high school students, a college student, and a graduate student. I ensure that every student learns the best they can. In my class, we can freely chat in English and still focus on the lessons. Moreover, I will adjust my methods to teach students according to their aptitude.
Sara Chen
毕业于国立第一科技大学应用英语系,辅修电子商务管理学程。曾于加拿大University of Calgary交换留学,喜爱看电影,擅长结合电影、影集与流行音乐,进行生活化的英语教学。强调以轻鬆实用的方式学习口说会话与写作,并补充有趣的文化知识。
I graduated from National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology with a BA in English, minoring in E-Commerce. I have studied at University of Calgary, Canada, and I specialize in using movies, TV dramas, and music in my teaching. Students will not only improve on their English conversation and writing skills, but also learn about cultures.
Teresa T.
Hi, Guys! This is Teresa. I have been teaching English for almost six years.Before teaching online, I used to work as an English teacher in different organizations. I am experienced in teaching field. I am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere. In my spare time, I love hanging out with friends or having chit-chat with my foreign friends. Furthermore, I enjoy teaching students and solving problems that students encounter.
Yvonne Lee
大家好,我是Yvonne。很高兴在Hi! Tutor上与大家认识。我是毕业于东英吉利大学应用翻译系的硕士生,有一年的英语教学经验以及多年的英文助教经验。丰富的旅外经历累积本人与当地人应对如流的英语会话能力。期待能与您在Hi! Tutor上成为英语学习上不可或缺的良师益友!
Hello! This is Yvonne. I graduated from the University of East Anglia in Britain and finished my postgraduate studies in Applied Translation. I had a full year experience in English teaching in a Taiwanese-owned private school, and more than two years of experience as an English tutor. With years of experience traveling and staying abroad, it not only nurtures me, but also bestows me abundant knowledge in interacting with the local people. I am sure to be your helpful instructor on Hi! Tutor, and a good company in need for all your English-learning issues. See you in a bit!
Hello, I'm Yang from Taipei. I graduated from National Chengchi University. Double major in International Business and Radio & Television. I went to Spain for exchange student. During that time, I made friends with people all around the world. It made me feel how interesting and important English is. I want to share and learn more English related skill since then. I constantly get useful info and skill / phrases from videos / music/ books, if you like this kind of practical yet not so formal English. Don't hesitate to join me. Let's learn English together!
My name is Tony and I can use my native speaker English to help sharpen any level student’s conversational abilities, both casual and formal language. With my years of finance experience I can also assist the professional client improve their business language for use in emails as well as conference calls with foreign clients.
Teddy (泰迪)
I usually motivate students by chatting and gradually some students become my good friends. For me, being a teacher is not just teaching but being able to influence others to be better.
Once you can read English smoothly, through read to learn, you can master vocabulary easily with less effort, and you can learn grammar with no need of memorizing the rules. If you are having problem learning English or taking TOEIC, please let us help you learn English in a fun and an effective way.
只要先学会从口中读出英语(Learn to Read),再从”读”中学习(Read to Learn),就可以轻松地学会英语单字而不用硬背、了解英语语法而不是死记文法规则。
I have always remembered the day when I graduated from high school, my dad wrote me a letter saying "the purpose of life is to serve"I never expected I am going to become an English teacher one day and here I am. After all, I am still a humble student who has passion in teaching and loves helping people achieve their goals.
Hi, my name is Tyler and I graduated from NPUST and majored in the field of Veterinary Medicine. I have around 18 months of teaching experience and have spend several years abroad, mostly in America. I love movies and pop culture, it is a fun and informative way to polish ones English skills and elevate their world view at the same time. I can help you with your pronunciation, speaking, writing and in examinations such as TOEIC or Advanced Subjects Test.
Graduated from Ming Chuan University, Majored in Applied English. I've been teaching in cram school for more than two years. I'm really interested in motivating students to not be afraid of a foreign language and be bold to speak. To use vocabulary association and interesting activities to substitute the typical memorizing by repeating and just study day and night. So far it has worked really well on my students.
毕业于铭传大学英语系/ 于补教业教英文已超过两年, 对于启发学生不惧怕陌生语言而大胆开口说英文, 以及用单字联想及活泼的带动方式代替死背与苦读带领学生的方式颇具成效, 对于从小就对英语感到浓厚兴趣进而开启了一生的英语学习过程的我, 教学上的理念就是基础打得好, 剩下就是靠老师与自己创造环境, 当你真正把自己置身在都是外语的环境下, 即使不出国, 日积月累有一天英文就变成是很自然的了.
Hello, I'm Vince. I've been devoted to English professional learning environment for ten years or so. In NTU, I specialized in literature, through which I grasped European and American cultures and history. Besides, I also hold English activities on a regular basis. The latest one is English Language Multicultural Summer Camp commissioned by the Ministry of Education, in which I realize languages serve as a very key component of cultures.
嗨! 我是 Vince! 很高兴认识你们!我在专业的语言环境学英文将近十年了,在台湾大学更钻研海外文学,透过文学了解欧陆和美国文化历史。除此之外,也时常参与跟英语相关的活动,例如教育部多元文化英语研习营,在过程中和外籍生相处,体会到语言是文化中非常重要的一环。
My name is Valerie. I worked as teaching assistant in a cram school where courses are taught in English. I tutored an adult who was a teacher herself. My job, primarily, was to go over scientific research papers and translate them into Chinese. I also attended Model United Nations and Model APEC conferences, where topics like economics and renewable energy is being discussed in English. I’m confident that I can develop smooth English courses since I have been constantly using English on various fields in terms of content, and I’m trained to be a teacher with English as target language.
Vivian (薇薇安)
In my class, I’d like to create an environment that only allows English and encourage my students to speak and ask questions at all time. This allows frequent practice on conversation and it also helps on knowing the student. I hope by concentrating my experiences and skills can help improve your English ability in the shortest time.
Vivi Lee
您好,我是Vivi, 很高兴认识你! 我是一位活泼开朗的老师。我喜欢从事教导中文及英文的工作,已经多年。目前网络上授课,也是我正在积极投入的工作!我授课的方式,会以轻松自然以及活动的方式,让您在学习英文上,能不用害怕。我喜爱的授课内容,包含从自然发音开始到KK音标、日常会话、观光英语、文法等,都可以。希望能有机会和您互动! 建立您对英文的兴趣,以及向往! 并且能说口流利的英文!
Victor Lee
Hello! Hi tutor的学员你们好啊!很荣幸有机会同时接触到这多来自不同背景的学生,如果你/妳本身就是个很有动力的学生,那恭喜你,我们会是绝配。同为一个土生土长的台湾人我知道要找到一个合适的英文老师有多困难。由于我看到身旁的朋友也都有一样的困扰,以此我决定投入教职。
Hi there! It is my greatest pleasure to be able to reach out to so many of you at the same time. If you are reading this because you are a motivated student, look no further. We will have a great time together. Born and raised in Taiwan, I know the struggle in finding the right English teacher. That’s why I decided to pick up teaching as a career.
Hi friends! If you are looking for someone to talk with, that would definitely be me! This is Will who can help you to speak up and express yourself loudly. Through English, I believe that you will have more opportunities to find out different aspects around the world, and that is how English affects our lives! Also, if you want to learn more about practical conversation or English examination strategies, you are always welcomed to ask me to give you some advice!
Hi, I am Wendy, maybe I will be lucky to be your English teacher. I hope you can know more about me by scanning my e-profile here. Actually, I am an English teacher who teaches juniors in Guangzhou No.6 High School. They are a crowd of young and lively students who always can easily motivate my passion and enthusiasm for teaching in daily class. Since I would like to interact with them for studying and strengthen our emotions by setting up classroom games, they have a deep impression and understanding for the knowledge.
Hi guys, I'm Wei. I am currently in my final year of English Literature and Spanish in Aberystwyth University. Before coming to the U.K., I had been teaching English for more than 5 years. I teach students from elementary school to university. I enjoy teaching English with a bit of practical exercise, so students are able to apply it.
Having the opportunity to be able to make friends with people from various countries makes me realise that pronunciation is truly important when it comes to efficient communication. Therefore, I would also like to focus on pronunciation when teaching.
Warm greeting from William. I'm the English tutor from Hong Kong. As the tutor of the English language, a lot of students ask me questions on how to learn a language effectively. In fact, the needs of students may vary. Some may expect to get a better grade but some would prefer to learn how to speak the language only. So there is no absolute answer.
My post-secondary education is major in English Studies. With the knowledge of linguistics & applied linguistics, I understand the teaching methods may vary due to the unequal learning outcomes of students. My class will help you to acquire the language and achieve a better grade in examination. My classes are always full, what are you waiting for?
(P.S. My student said William is very young and handsome so we do not have a generation gap. Is that true?)
Hi! Everyone. I am Xenia from Taipei, Taiwan. I have learned English for more than 15 years and have teaching English for more than one year. During classes, I teach and learn at the same time. When teaching, I hope my student can share his/ her experiences with me. Hope that I have a chance to be your good partner in the journey of learning English!
Hey! Please call me Xylia. In Taiwan, sitting hours and hours long in the cram schools are the common memories of many generations. People might learn how to pass an exam in those school, but when it comes to real life occasions, cram schools can teach you very little. In our class, we will use the hours smartly. Aside from the regular class tasks, please feel free to just relax and chat with me with any topic you like.
Yvonne Lee
Hello! This is Yvonne. I graduated from the University of East Anglia in Britain and finished my postgraduate studies in Applied Translation. I had a full year experience in English teaching in a Taiwanese-owned private school, and more than two years of experience as an English tutor. With years of experience traveling and staying abroad, it not only nurtures me, but also bestows me abundant knowledge in interacting with the local people. I am sure to be your helpful instructor on Hi! Tutor, and a good company in need for all your English-learning issues. See you in a bit!
大家好,我是Yvonne。很高兴在Hi学院上与大家认识。我是毕业于东英吉利大学应用翻译系的硕士生,有一年的英语教学经验以及多年的英文助教经验。丰富的旅外经历累积本人与当地人应对如流的英语会话能力。期待能与您在Hi! Tutor上成为英语学习上不可或缺的良师益友!
Hi, my name is Zafrina graduated from Chinese Culture University. I’ve been teaching English for roughly 5 years now. I was an exchange student in USA in junior year. Also, I’ve been traveling around the world by myself since high school. I believe I am a very experienced teacher. I have been tutoring for 5 years now, and also worked in the cram school for 3 years.
I was born and raised in Taiwan until the age of 13 then I moved to Australia to finish high school and university. I am a licensed pharmacist in Australia but my real passion is in education. I moved back to Taiwan in 2010 to continue pursuing my passion in teaching. I am a highly motivated person who shows a great enthusiasm working amongst a team or independently. I enjoy interaction with multicultural people where I can utilize my language and interpersonal skills. I consistently present a positive, “can-do” attitude and I look forward to meeting you online and learning English together.
Hi there! I'm Zack. I'm an English major from NKFUST who has been helping high school students with English learning for about two years. If you are having a hard time understanding rules of English grammar, or trying to pronounce naturally, I am glad to help you with it. In my experience, the key to learning English is to enjoy the process of mastering it! To put it another way, you must conquer your fear first.
Mary Lee
Hello! My name is Mary Lee and I have a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology, Sociology (double majors) and Neuroscience (minor) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am bilingual in English & Mandarin Chinese. I have been tutoring for 6 years and have had great success with my students, ranging from elementary school to college-age students. On my free time, I like teaching or tutoring my friends on subjects they need help on. I think it's such a fulfilling feeling to see how much they have improved. I like giving them challenging questions so they are able to see that they are able to master it!
Kendra Huang
Hello,everyone my name is Kendra,I graduated from Tamkang University.Now I am studying french in France.I have been teaching English for 6 years.I work at an English cram school,elementary school and also I am a private tutor.I am an enthusiastic and adventurous person.In class,I always encourage my students to speak up and never worry about making mistakes since English is not just a subject.
I believe that being a qualified teacher needs these factors: a passion for teaching, concern for students, patience as well as tolerance and outstanding knowledge. I have been teaching English for years and preparing myself to meet the factors metioned above. I desire to motivate students to build confidence in themselves in this journey.
Alice Chang
擅长多元化的教学方式,利用英文绘本、影片或视觉辅助来呈现英语教学, 著重听、说、读、写四项英语能力。 每个人学习的方式不一样 我的教学会针对不同的学习需求来设计不同的课程内容
Having almost 10 years of teaching experience, my teaching strategies involve various types of learning materials such as picture books and multi-media resources. Also, the lessons I plan cover all the four skills of English, which are listening, speaking, writing, and reading. I believe every student has their own unique way of learning, and as long as they find the right way, they can develop their potential.
Mike L.
各位同学们好! 我是热爱学习英文及教授英文的Mike老师,毕业于国立政治大学财管系。在过去近5年的时间,我教授了各个年龄层的学生,从基础美语至成人会话,激发了不少人对英文的学习兴致。我认为要学好英文,最重要的是培养兴趣,因此我上课时会补充许多实用的例子,加强生活化的学习,不但考试过关,现实生活中也能灵活运用。 英文是很有趣且美丽的语言,快跟上我的脚步吧!
Hello, guys! This is Michael. I graduated from National Chengchi University as a finance major. I have enjoyed teaching English for the past 5 years and pride myself in inspiring all my students. I specialize from basic level English to conversation English for adults. I believe the key to becoming fluent in English is perseverance and constant practice. In my teaching I empathize practical learning and provide many realistic examples that you can follow and use in your daily lives.
Lydia C.
Hello, Hi tutor的学员~我的名字是Lydia,我来自台湾。虽然是个道道地地的台湾人,但我从六岁便开始学习英文。我是国立政治大学的学生,主修斯拉夫语文学系。在生活中,英语就像是我的母语一样,而在中文与英文之外,现在的我也正在学习其他的语言。心中有著强大的热情,我最大的理想是能够学习世界各地的语言,并帮助想要进行国际性交流的人们更加轻松的沟通。
Hello, there! My name is Lydia and I am from Taiwan. Though being a native Taiwanese, I have learned English since my childhood when I was six years old. I am now a student in National Chengchi University, majoring in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. English have always been like a native language in my life. Besides Mandarin Chinese and English, I am now studying other languages as well. Having great passion in mind, my dream is to learn languages around the world, and help people to communicate more easily and worldwide.
大家好,我叫Shasha. 我在Hi学院教中文和英文。我从2016年开始已经有2年的教学经验。我擅长不同领域的英语口语和中文口语。我在英国呆过三年也曾学过关于语言学习技巧的课程。我与其他人不同的是,我可以帮你分析你的语言学习模式,帮助你更高效地学习语言。我也会根据你的弱点和目的耐心仁慈地教你。
Hi, friend, this is Shasha. I teach Chinese and English in Hiacdm. I have two years teaching experiences since 2016. I am specialized in oral English and oral Chinese in various areas. I used to stay in UK for three years and I also studied a course about language learning skills. What I different from others is that I can analyse your language learning styles, which can help you learn language in more efficient way. I will teach you according to your weakness and purpose with kindness and patience.
Hello, I am iressa,I graduated from kaohsiung girl high school, after that I major in chinese and western medicine at changgeng and choungshan medical university. I always like to take part in international activities, such as representing Taiwan in ISWAP, a science exhibition held in America and I ‘ve also been the chairman in an international exchange activity for the Asian students which is held in Japan. I have a gift for language and have made remarkable achievements in several English speech contests, for example, winning the first place in Cambridge speech contest.
我是Iressa毕业于高雄女中科学班,曾经就读长庚大学中医系,与中山大学医学系。曾经代表学校参加许多国际交流活动,在日本科学交流活动上发表演说,并且代表台湾参加美国ISWAP国际科展。从小我就对语言特别有兴趣,参与过大大小小许多演讲与朗读竞赛,曾经获得Cambridge English speech contest的朗读比赛及演讲比赛冠军,也曾经获得教育部主办的英语比赛第二名。我特别喜欢带小朋友学习英语,透过故事及游戏让们乐在其中,让英语不再是一件困难的事。对于大一点的孩子我会利用影集与小说来加强他们的字彙文法与会话能力。
Sylvia S.
When you bump into someone who's passionate about teaching English, that would be me. Hello,everyone, I'm Sylvia, a girl who's confident, humorous and easy to get along with. I have graduated from Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology. I started to learn English when I was in grade 3 in my elementary school, since then, I was infatuated with English, so I started to teach as a full time oral English teacher when I was a junior in my college. Until now, I have been teaching English for 4 years.
如果你遇到一个对英语教育特别热情的人,那就是我啦!大家好,我是Sylvia,一个特别自信,幽默以及容易相处的女生。毕业于湖南人文科技学院,从小学三年级开始学英文后,就爱上了英文,之后勤学苦练,在大三的时候开始全职教授大学生英语口语,迄今为止已经4年时间。大多数大学生英语考试分数很高,但是不能开口讲,我主要帮助学生在以后出国留学,旅游或者在外企工作的时候能够用英语和他人正常交流。除此之外,我接受过非常多教学培训,尤其是口语这一版块,去年去到美国洛杉矶UCLA Extension交流“英语作为第二语言的教学方法以及美国文化”;
Ying C.
Hi guys, my name is Ying. I'm from Guangzhou and graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, majoring in Business English. After graduation, I spent a year in Australia, where I've known many friends from diverse cultural backgrounds and experienced different cultures. I'm quite passionate about language teaching and learning, especially English and Chinese. Working as a teacher for 4 years, I've been helping many students pass IELTS and deal with their problems in English and Chinese learning. Some of my students are from different parts of the world and they are quite interested in Chinese culture.
大家好,我叫莹。我来自广州,毕业于广东外语外贸大学商务英语专业。毕业后, 我在澳洲度过了难忘的一年。在那里,我认识了不同文化背景的朋友且体验了不一样的文化。我十分热爱语言教学,尤其是英语和中文。当老师4年以来,我帮助许多学生顺利通过了雅思考试,帮助他们解决了英语和中文学习中遇到的问题。其中一些学生来自世界各地并且对中国文化十分感兴趣。他们都相当聪明且充满学习动力。
1.The Chinese University Of HK 2.Travel/linguistic(I always share various interesting news and help students to deduce Grammar points. )3. decent pronunciation,encourage speaking,new ideas of Grammar teaching,examination revision 4. Miracle is the other name of effort.
1.香港中文大学/课程与教学论/3年 2.旅游/语言(结合各国旅游趣事,通过有趣的例子理解语言推理语法) 3.有趣的方式引导标准发音、鼓励学生开口说会话、巧妙思路推理语法、检定考试 4. 奇迹是努力的别名。
Hi, my name is Louise. I am a professional and enthusiastic teacher. I have been teaching English for almost four years. I studied and worked in the USA for 5 years. I received my MBA degree from University of California at Riverside, which helped me gain lots of practical experience in daily conversation and business English. I am very friendly and good at designing activities based on your needs. I can develop interesting and positive learning atmosphere, which allows you to learn English easily, and be able to speak confidently. I love teaching and helping you out. You are encouraged to ask me questions. I look forward to talking with you in class! See you soon!
Graduated from HKBU and has an experience on English language education for more than 2 years.Focus on oral English and Speaking.We can learn English in a most relaxing way~
Betty L.
Some might say languages are for communication. The more you know a language, the better you express yourself. For me, this is yes and no. Yes, languages are a tool that facilitates communication. But learning a language can mean more than just that. English can be a telescope that opens your eyes to the wonders of the world. Since it is the most frequently used language today, being able to read English certainly enables you to acquire first-hand information and keep yourself informed.
May W.
哈喽,我是你的专属英语老师May,很高兴遇见你。先介绍一下我自己。我现在在东京攻读博士学位,但是我是土生土长的中国人,所以我学习英语的环境和你一样,因此我也曾经历过所有你曾经经历或正在经历的学习英语时的各种问题。希望你能给我个机会,我十分愿意帮你攻克英语这项难关,并教你学会享受这个过程。我相信在我的陪伴下,三个月后的你将学会独自学习英语的系统方法。 我也曾教授过这个英语级别的学生。在我看来,建立起对英语的兴趣将会对之后的英语学习起到事半功倍的效果。
Hi dear students, my name is May and I’m going to be your English tutor. I just want to tell you guys a little bit about myself. I live in Tokyo for my doctoral program right now but I was born and raised in China, which means the environment I learn English is the same to you, therefore I promised I’ve faced all of troubles you are suffering during the English learning. I’d like you to give me a chance and I’m really glad to help you conquer English and make the English learning enjoyed.
Julia Z.
Hi! This is Julia from Hujiang. I graduated from University of International Business and Economics majored in English interpretation. I have been the interpreter in a number of international events and also a teacher for students with various backgrounds and English capabilities. Talk in a language a man understands, it goes to the head. Talk in his own language, it goes to the heart. I look forward to joining with you in exploring the beauty of English!
Eddy S.
1.Vocabulary studying, movie watching, publication reading/单字学习,看电影,刊物阅读
2.Vocabulary comparison: synonym & antonym, translation, grammatical analysis, listening comprehension/字彙比较:同义与反义,翻译,文法分析,听解
3.Re-identify the field you don’t get interested in and be a fluent user seeking unfindings from curiosity with English/以英文重新定义你平常不感兴趣的领域及成为一位因好奇而寻找未发现事物之流利使用者
Lois H.
你好!我的名字是Lois。很高兴遇到你!我毕业于中国前十所大学之一,中山大学。我的专业是应用心理学。我可以在发音、听力、语法和会话技巧等各方面帮助你。我有10年以上的英语教学经验。 我有教授初学者、中级和高级英语学生的经验,所以我可以在任何技能水平上提供帮助。我的母语是粤语,居住在广州。 所以如果你讲粤语,那么......你好吖! 我的英语学习哲学是熟能生巧。我的课堂包含大量的短语和句子练习,因为我们是为了使用英语而来学习这门语言。让我们开始吧!!
Hello! My name is Lois. Nice to meet you! I graduated from Sun Yat-sen University, one of the top 10 universities in China. My major was applied psychology. I can help you with pronunciation, listening, grammar and conversation skills. I have 10+ years’ experience teaching English. I have experience teaching beginners, intermediate and advanced English students so I can help at any skill level. Studying English when I was at school helped me understand the mindset of a student.
Sandy Chiang
1. Henderson State University, USA / Education / more than 9 years
2. I love reading, music and movies, and I usually integrate them into my teaching as well.
3. Grammar, Phonics, and Vocabulary
4. It’s about my students’ language goals, and how I can help each one of them achieve their goals in the most effective and enjoyable way possible.
Hi, I’m Mao Mao Li. I am a responsible and fun teacher. I always have passion for my teaching work . I can offer my students a confident and comfortable learning environment. I look forward to meeting you in my class.
嗨,我的名字叫李毛毛. 我是一个有责任心并且非常有趣的老师。 我对教学工作充满热情。我能够提供给我的学生一个有自信并很舒适的学习氛围。期待在课堂中见到你哦!